Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm Here

Well I arrived safe and sound, with the added perk of a free upgrade to business class. Guess they oversold the flight and status has its privileges.

Right now I'm concentrating on staying conscious...jet lag hitting me hard this time, probably cause I've got no where I have to be.

Funny story from the road:

I get into the cab at the Beijing airport, and he has the radio on. It took me a few minutes in my just-got-off-the-plane haze to realize he was listening to Italian Opera. Maybe it's just me but I found that oddly hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely. Have you met your host-family?

Anonymous said...

I hope you are enjoying being almost 7,000 miles away from the DOC! (Mill, convert that to teaspoons.) - cb